What is Gecko's Bond Process?

By Suugloria Tun May 03, 2021

Gecko’s bond process is like a deposit to provide security for the item borrowed in case it is damaged. We aim to protect everyone and everything so YOU can have the best experience with Gecko — Stress-free.

Our process to get your bond back 🦎

  1. The lender creates a listing and sets the bond price.
  2. When you find an item you want to borrow on Gecko, you pay for the item’s price, which includes the bond.
  3. The bond is kept as a “pending transaction” in the borrowers account.

Image of a Bond transaction

  1. Neither, the borrower nor the lender will have access to the bond, only Gecko, our payment provider (Stripe) and your bank.
  2. Once the item you have borrowed is returned to the lender, and it is in original condition, the lender will list the item again as “Available” on Gecko.
  3. The released payment of the bond is not a new transaction! The pending transaction will be released back into your account if there is no damage caused!
  4. Congrats! Your bond money will be released back into your account!!
Borrowing and listing items has never been easier and more secure. Start listing your items now, or even discovering cool items to borrow at affordable prices

Happy Gecko-ing 🦎

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Suugloria TunMay 03, 2021